The Diack Ecology Education Program
A Program of the Oregon Science Teachers Association
The Jane Goodall Environmental Middle School
Oregon Department of Education
Dissemination Grant
The Jane Goodall Environmental Middle School (JGEMS), a public charter school in Salem, has received a dissemination grant from the Oregon Department of Education. The purpose of the dissemination grant program is to share successful instructional practices developed in charter schools with regular public schools throughout the state. Four retired JGEMS teachers intend to visit schools throughout the state. They hope to meet with teachers to discuss ways to utilize the successful programs in their schools. They understand that each school has unique needs, but they hope that by working with teachers, parents and administrators, the programs that have worked so well for JGEMS can be adapted to be beneficial to any school. JGEMS is working with the Diack Ecology Education Program to provide equipment grants and training workshops to participating teachers.